Monday, January 21, 2008

Movin' on-from Frida to faces to letting "old friends "go

So here is my tribute to Frida and Diego-just in time for Valentine's Day-ha-. Anyway- it may not be at the exact place I wanted it-,but I feel satisfied enough to move on and be done with it, for now...and that's good. I was kinda experimenting with the clay attached to the canvas- and then I REALLY got into painting with glitter..that was an hour or so of WOW look what a piece of wire in glitter can do and WHOA -I'm mesmerized by the shiny stuff and then I coated it with the high gloss modge podge so it wouldn't lose it's glittery seduction. Got a little OC with the glitter!

Anyway-I moved onto a quick collage with faces and a couple of favorite photos, one on a light poles in the neighborhood-I AM THEREFORE _I THINK and the other a girl at a local pub this summer-- I guess I was just pondering the idea of how people can get so-o-o into what they are and sometimes forget who they are in an everyday way..or something like that- It was a quick and happy creating moment with a fast turn around of , what I call, "instant artification." I just like to start it -see it. and have it done in ONE day-sometimes.
Last , but not least, a little grouping of some pieces I put up at the local Starbuck's. Tried to pick pieces that show the diversity of what I do (and ones I need to let go of and need new homes.) I will add F and D and the faces collage to the side wall sometime this week to join the group. Really boring photo-but it's out there-


jafabrit said...

Your collage is fabulous, I love the way you embellished the images with 3 d objects, and of course, the GLITTER (love glitter).

Some of my BEST sales have come from shows in cafe's, so I wish you the best with it. Looks very nice :)

ckw said...

Thanks jafabrit- i appreciate the input and encouragement-

Joan said...

I'm so pleased you are showing your work in the neighborhood, Carole. After all our efforts to get some of the students' work up at Starbucks, it's nice to see your efforts took another direction. It is also nice to see you doing all this experimenting with techniques and hearing what you think of the outcomes. Keep it up!