Friday, June 27, 2008

green cigar boxes

Boxes of the cigar variety, now ready to be used in whatever way you so choose. Treasure boxes with secret items or just your full on booty box with ---well you get the idea.
Anyway I am finished with these. They are fun to do. The orange and red one is fake mosaic. I used some old photos that I didn't want anymore and cut them into tiny pieces to look like tiles that somewhat match the trim of the box. I doubt I will do another mosaic one because it was kinda tedious to do and time consuming, but I wanted to try it. Been there done that -check it off my list.
I am trying to keep the integrity of the box, as I personally love the trims and the inside lid has the original motif of whatever type of cigar was stored in the box. Back in the "day" when we would do these we would try to cover every part of the box-so as to try to make it like it wasn't a cigar box. What were we thinking? Although I kinda wana make a really cheesy '70's one with velvet and Peter Max kinda paper or design with satin and Stevie Nicks flowy kinda material--I am still doing my own agenda.


iHanna said...

Wow, what abeautiful box - and painting! You're good!

ckw said...

thanks ihanna-compliments are always appreciated

Balhatain said...

I'm liking the boxes... I like cigars as well. :)