Saturday, May 3, 2008

Remember and Waiting

OK- there is a lotta stuff I should be doing instead of this. Cleaning, laundry, detailing my Yari, but I went blogging instead and am now caught up in the retro world of 60' and 70' big eyes- thanks to Jafabrit and her awe inspring abilities to distract me (happily).
I, however, do not have any sketch books- or anything for that matter, left from the beauty days of 1972. I do have some memories (they can't burn) and so- in reading and looking I remembered a silly drawing in one of my sketchbooks that I did awhile back. My cousin and I would draw these big eyed faces over and over-with kewpie lips and different hairstyles. Sort of Precious Moments scarey!
Meanwhile waiting for Finn (my second grandson's) arrival. He was due May first, but is delaying his arrival , for I am sure, a good reason.

1 comment:

jafabrit said...

LOL! I love the one at the top middle with the coil cheeks, she is delightful.

How exciting to be waiting for a grandchild :) Sending mummy and grandmother thoughts YOUR way, whoosh!!!!