Sunday, April 6, 2008

colour with pencil

I have been using some inexpensive coloured pencils to play around in my sketch book. I want to paint a sign for the front area in front of the fence of my house--because we found some lovely deposits that somebody forgot to pick up! @#*! euw! don't do that!
Then I grew up with peacocks roaming around on the farm ---sort of a butterfly/peacock idea in my head. ..what with the bones and all .


Brandon said...

I really like the middle one

jafabrit said...

What a wonderful whimsical reminder to doggie owners. I love the top sketch of the peacock, it is just hilarious, those legs.

Joan said...

I've not looked at your blog for a while and am so glad I finally have had a chance and am catching up on your work.
I like the middle one quite bit - so many ways to think about what it might be.

And, you are probably the first person I know who has a label for their blog called "dog poop"!