Monday, May 19, 2008

babies and kitties--kitties and babies

OK a Gramma has to brag once in awhile-this is my time.
Finn-the new baby brother-with big brother Pdub- was not so small. He came the weekend before Mother's Day-10lbs90z! and 24" long--and Mom is doing great. We are very proud and happy--just a geeky-cool side effect that comes with grandparenting. It is so fun!

The kitties are for the masses of people who are feline possessed. I have some work up at the corner Starbuck's on Hawthorne again and we went into get our morning java and my husband noticed the "Kitty Dreams" piece was missing- we thought someone had stolen it! What negative dark sides we have--ha-- it was purchased!
sooooooooo the two kitties here are for sale-of course and will go up as soon as they dry. I went to the Goodwill and bought old wooden plaques, gesso-ed them and tried my new oil paints- that clean up with soap and water. I spent all day out in the sun on my front porch and even put some art out for sale in the front yard. What fun -those oil paints -I had forgotten how blendy- and buttery they are. I am happy with how they turned out - hopefully someone else will too. Everyone wants a kitty and has a kitty story.


Dale said...

Oh, I really like the lettered cat!

jafabrit said...

congrats on the new grandchild :)

I have never tried those water based oil paints, sounds like you really like them.