Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Everybody do the New Year Blog

Last year's snow shoes, on the porch of the house we sold on New Year's Day 2007. That was fortunate and weird to sell a house on January first, but here we are one year later- in an old/new house in a much happier and productive space. Thankfully.
So as I am cruising around the blogs- I am overwhelmed by the New Year activity and inspirational thoughts and ideas for 2008. I am not in full swing of such thinking as of yet, but I have a few more "off" days and hope to have some reflective dream time incorporated within that time. I have been doing some creative activities in the studio- painting a bedside table for self and an alter like collage in remembrance of my father--but as I work on them I feel like it is not what I truly want to be doing- but because it is in front of me and immediate- that is what I do. That there is something on the edge of my mind and person within that I could be doing? or maybe it is just guilt about not cleaning up the studio space! whatever it is - it is all OK- as I have a core feeling of OKAYedness about this year and what it will bring- personally-financially -spiritually-professionally--and communally.
So-- 2008 is here and so are we- much to be thankful about and look forward to.

1 comment:

jafabrit said...

All the best for the New Year. I had to play catch up with your posts and it was fun. I like what you are doing (and including glitter too-YAY).

There is a never a good time to lose a parent, but somehow I think the teen years are the hardest (at least with my limited experience when I worked as a grief counselor at a crisis center).