Saturday, November 10, 2007

the mind's eye

Looking through sketchbooks. This is a drawing I did after the "fire". It is a memory drawing of a composite piece I did for Dr. Kiley, who I met when I first moved to Portland. He had written some children's poems and was looking for someone to illustrate them. This is not as "tight" or colorful as the composite was, but was a recollection of what I had done before and liked and lost. I don't really like the random, stream of consciousness "stuff" inside , but like the general concept and layout of the reflecting aspect and when I was playing around with the image's contrast and such , I discovered another small face in the cheek area that was sort of like an engraved image of another drawing that I had drawn on the prior page of my sketch book. I get a kind of serene, madonna like feeling about it. What do ya think?


jafabrit said...

I feel like she is kissing herself as if in reconciliation. All the complexities in life in one's mind is there, some revealed, some hidden. I like what it's about.

That's what I think :)

ckw said...

thanks for takin' the time-i never thought of the reconciliation idea-but makes me think about things that were in my life at the time-some revealed -some hidden
thanks again

jafabrit said...

I love the music :)

Brandon said...

Very cool!