Thursday, June 19, 2008

cigar box monkey

My latest project. I was using Sharpee markers on the gesso base and finding it doesn't really work with the colored ones, anyway. So I am going to just finish with acrylic paint - as I know that will work. I love Frida's monkey. I really like the boarders of the box with the jungley background. It's still my own agenda.


jafabrit said...

Yes, I like that you left the borders on the boxes and how they weave into the image. Really liking this series and how you did the monkey.

Joan said...

I love your cigar boxes - especially the combination of your new images on that old form (which I haven't seen in quite a while.)
Also, love the new header on your blog.
By the way, nice job the other night with your emcee-ing at Kathy's party. Thanks for doing that.

ckw said...

thanks jafabrit- i appreciate the input-and thanks joan- i am liking the combos also-glad you do, too- yep y'all(kathy and Joan) are out there footloose and having fun-just one big party for ya-and all i wanna be is in the sme club--ah well